Athletic Endorsement Changes Forever

 Before 1984 Nike, known for their running products at the time, only contributed to about 17% of shoes worn among players in the NBA. With Converse dominating the league, having over 60% of players using their shoe. It wasn’t until October, 26 1984 that Nike would change the shoe game in its favor. 

Nike was desperate to make it big in the NBA shoe Industry. They knew their way in was Micheal Jordan. After promising Jordan his own shoe line, Jordan signed a deal with Nike on October 26, 1984. Jordan was Nike's last attempt at making it into the NBA shoe industry and luckily it payed off. In the first year Nike sold over 100 million dollars worth of shoes called “Air Jordans.” That was only the beginning of the legacy Nike was going to create with MJ. In the coming years, Nike would soon completely dominate the NBA shoe industry. Jordan was a big factor in this as he became known as the greatest player of all time. 

However, Jordan’s deal didn’t only change the future of shoes but also the future of endorsements with players. After Jordan’s deal hit the news in late October, there was one thing that stuck out; Nike guaranteed him a percentage of money made from selling the shoes with his name on them. This soon revolutionized the future of of the shoe industry. Today athletes are almost guaranteed a percentage of sales with their names on them.


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